Tuesday, December 23, 2008

february 1st

I just left Rabeyah's party and I am applying my vow of silence for the first time/day. It is actually been a few hours and i am already calculating hours times days. I bit my tongue twice. I almost say thank you to the person that held the door for me.


I was pleasantly surprised upon my visit to the MoMA. That place always has something new and amazing. This time it was something that i found relevant to my project.
Tehching Hsieh has made 5 one year performances in which he, locked himself in a jail cell for a year 1978-79, stayed outdoors for a year 1981-82, punched a clock every hour on the hour for a whole year 1980-81, tied at waist with Linda Montano for a year without touching each other 1983-84, went for a whole year 1985-86 without seeing, talking, reading about art, and finally his 13 year project from 1986-1999 where he didnt show any of his art.

check out his website 


in silence -and in self-defense- I figured things out in my own little way. L. Young

I am planning of taking a vow of silence in the coming February 2009 as a part of my M.F.A thesis project. I am a poet studying at The New School University in NYC and I was had a few ideas on what I wanted to do as my final project. I wanted to try something that would challenge me both, physically and mentally. I decided to take a vow of silence and document my experience. I am worried and at the same time scared, since my thesis advisor said that "people that do not talk for so long in a place such as nyc, they leave town for good".

So what is the idea behind this( besides another masochistic way to deceive myself on issues of self-control and discipline)?
 Poetry, based on the etymology of the word, is creation. Constant conscious and subconscious creation, from the way one walks in the street, to the way a woman applies make-up. Poetry is not necessarily verbal but for someone that carries the risky title of a poet, the verbal and written form are absolutely vital. My VOS is an experiment. How does a poet react when speaking is prohibited. Does he invent different and more ways of expression? Does he limit everything to writing?