Are you off today? Are you stoned?
Are you sober? I don't have cell phone
reception. It's a long time. I can still
hear. That would be so funny if
they were doing it to fuck with the
customers. I write every day. Look
outside the window. The wall frame.
I saw these before. It's a woman. It is
2 guys. Have you seen it before? They
had one on a spinning base. He showed
a product called Bayonnaise. Bacon
& Mayonnaise. I don't want to talk
anymore. I will go get change.
I miss my Vespa. They have it in diet too.
Can you cook lettuce? Stavro.
Come & find me. Can I have two
$10 bills please? I am trying
to learn about mysticism. We will
be back for it. Another John.
She was eaten by dirt. H2O please.